There are many challenging issues you may face when living abroad. You may find different values, less social contacts, problems in your relationship, and/or feel a lack of support from friends and family. When you live in a new country you may need new role models, feel insecure because of cultural and language differences and have difficulty finding your new identity.
Low self esteem might be making life abroad more challenging or stress related health problems may be giving you a hard time.
I also support sports professionals in English, dealing with all of the above and special challenges such as defeats and failure, success and fame, conctract insecurities, finding true friends etc.
All sessions can also take place online. All your information is subject to legal confidentiality and is treated with the utmost discretion.
I also offer couples counseling in English, find more information here:
If you are looking for english speaking support for yourself or someone you care about in any of the above mentioned topics, get in touch: Christiane Bayer-Nill, Phone: 0711-134 987 63 or
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." (Viktor Frankl)
Please find more information on Viktor Frankl and Logotherapy on the following website